Here. In My Head

Learning to get back to me...

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Growing up...

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Monday, August 14, 2006

Last Friday Night

So, last Friday night, Justin's boss, Joel, had a party. I have been to my share of parties in the past, and they're all good if you know some of the people and your friends are there. Needless to say, I, of course, didn't know anyone there aside from Justin. So, I figure that I'll just drink a little and try to blend in. Needless to say, Justin hits me with this "You have to be the DD because my coworkers and my boss are here, and I need to drink too because they'll call me a pussy if I don't" or something along those lines. So, not only do I not know anyone, I now can't drink. Nice. So, as I observed some of these party-goers, I notice that most of these people look like underaged kids. These kids were drinking like fish and playing what is apparently known as "dirty jenga," and it was making me sick. I asked one girl how old she was, and she said she was 15. WTF?! Justin's boss is 36 years old. What's up with the massive amounts of highschoolers? Anyway, so, I finally get Justin to stop playing beer pong, so we can go home. I tell him that I don't think we'll be making Joel's next party unless he invites people our age to them. It just didn't feel right to me. I'm turning into a mom or something. Perhaps the sight of seeing a 15 year old girl being dared to give a 24 year old man's finger a BJ threw me off. Who knows? Maybe I would have had a better time if I could have had something to drink. Nevertheless, the police around here are serious about driving under the influence. I couldn't risk that. On the lighter side of things, I did take some incriminating pictures on my phone of two of Justin's coworkers playing "dirty jenga" with highschool girls. Yeah...they're going to want to stay on my good side. heh. Well, that's all for now.

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Missing my Bailey

See this picture? It's Justin and me with our aussie shepherd, Bailey. She's been residing at Justin's parents house for a couple months now. Why? We didn't want to get in trouble when our previous landlord was showing our apt. Here's the problem: She has another doggie friend to run and frolick and do doggy things with at Justin's parents'. Another things is that she simply gets to run around all day outside. Here, she would be inside a lot...mostly because the Ga heat is too much for any creature to take, and she wouldn't be around her doggy friend anymore. Nevertheless, I find myself missing her so much....the way she runs amuck throughout the house, the way she "talks" when you excitedly tell her how pretty she is, and her companionship. What should we do? I miss her so much! Suggestions?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


"You are a child of the universe, no less than the trees and the stars,
And whether or not it is clear to you,
The universe is unfolding as it should."

Sometimes, I try to remember those words. Things happen for a reason, and
regardless of how much we think we can't take at the time, we sometimes
surprise ourselves. Don't get me wrong, life is going pretty well, all things considering. My husband and I just moved to a new state, and we have a great place (well, all places here are ten times nicer than Huntington). Anyway, he is doing very well with his new job, although he sometimes comes home very exhausted and frustrated from certain things that have happened during work. Overall, we're doing better than we ever have, and it's a good feeling. Aside from that, however, I feel like I'm in a rut. I had to quit my job in Huntington (a job I actually enjoyed), and now I can't seem to find one! I have a degree in counseling, but I'm finding myself wishing I had stuck with education. So, in order to remedy this, I plan to start an online masters in the spring in special ed. I do hope I do alright on that damned GRE. Why oh why do those tests have to be so rediculously difficult?! I mean, c'mon! Who is ever going to use the words they use or the math on that test? Ugh...Well, anyway, I do hope and pray to find a job soon. I tried to get a couple of jobs doing retail, but I was turned down because I apparently was "overqualified." So, how about that? I can't even get a job a highschooler could get. Balls. Actually, I thought I was doing well on my Gap interview when the woman interviewing me asked me to sell her what I had on. It went something like this: "Well, I have this..uh...shirt on. It's a blue striped sandals?" I was so completely floored by this question because I don't know how to sell clothes. Hell, I don't pay attention to what I have on most of the time. My favorite moment from the interview was when she asked me what accesseries would go with my outfit, and I replied "Well *long pause* I have this necklace on." HA! It occurred to me that I didn't really want the job anyway. The pay was lousy and it was all weekends. Balls to that. Besides, I couldn't see myself lying to the people who would be asking me if they looked fat in thier outfit because if you have to ask it, you do. That's all for now. Later. :-)